Natura 2000 in Hungary
Hungary hosts 46 habitat types of Annex I (out of which 13 are forest habitats) and 142 species of Annex II (47 of them depend on forests) under the Habitats Directive.
Hungary has 18 priority habitat types (6 of them are forests) and 16 priority species (7 living in forests). Hungary hosts regular populations of 74 bird species (33 depend on forests) listed on Annex I of the Birds Directive, while 48 migratory species (46 occur in forests) are also qualifying features of Special Protection Areas. 833 000 ha of forests (41% of all forested areas) can be found on Natura 2000 sites. This includes 412 000 ha forests under national protection as well.
Most of the forests with significant conservation value are involved in the Natura 2000 network. Most of them are state owned (647 000 ha), but share of private owners and managers is also about 25% (186 000 ha). Most of the state owned forests are managed by State Forest Companies, only a minor part is in the trusteeship of National Park Directorates. Because of the unique biogeographical features of Hungary – sharing the majority of Pannonian ecoregion – there are several forest types which are considered as unique value for the EU. Largest extent of Pannonic (91G0, 91H0, 91M0, 91N0) forest types of the EU can be found in Hungary, so their conditions are important not only for the national conservation strategies, but also from European point of view.